Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Thank you


For doing 


I couldn’t do

And giving me 


I never wanted to write like this. I never found myself that interesting. I’m just me. I’m someone so flawed. I felt that my shame was beyond sharing. I’m no celebrity. I wield no power. No billions to my name. Could a poor sinner with a list of daily grievances do it. Make it writing each day with no idea what to say each day?  I know now it’s possible. In those early days, I was a lost little girl with no faith in much of anything, yet alone myself. I’ve lost count of the years, but this place has given me something I can’t pay back in dollars. Has writing cured me?  No, but I’m different because each day you humble me. Humble me with your love. 

I still need therapy and medication. Cerebral Palsy is unrelenting on my body and mind. As I’m privileged to age, I recognize what I need versus what I want. All this to say is that this community has helped save me from my own negative thoughts. Thank you. 

If you would please pray for Mix and Match Mama. Check out her blog post if you’re so inclined to read and pray. Thank you. 


  1. It is not what we want that matters. I have traveled the same road, still struggle to write what will mean something to those who bother to read my ramblings. It is encouraging to read what you share. Thank You.

    Hugs and Blessings

  2. I love what you said about “being privileged to age.” That really spoke to me since like everyone else I am aging and have outlived my parents and siblings. As I push toward 71, ever so fast I am understanding more what a gift growing older is.
    I’m so happy you are getting the affirmation that you need.I always enjoy your writing because it comes from the heart - I see it and feel it in my heart. And for that, I thank you. You are a blessing to many.

  3. I'm in Debby's boat - it IS an extraordinary privilege to age, even with the challenges it can bring. Know that the words you write here bring joy to so many. It takes a special person to touch the lives of others, so never sell yourself short! Prayers!

  4. I enjoy reading your words, they are real and authentic. Life can be tough at times but we must always try and move forward and you do mighty fine in accomplishing that goal.
    Blessings and Hugs!

  5. I always enjoy reading your words.

    All the best Jan

  6. Your writing is always so good.

  7. You encourage me with your words. Many times it is what I wish I could put into words myself but I am not a writer at all. The Lord has given you a gift to share with us and if we can in turn give you encouragement that is definitely an added blessing. I am praying for Mix and Match Mama.
    Blessings and love,

  8. You are a blessing to so many with your honesty and in your search for God - who has met you and done a graet work in you, Regine
