Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 Some things I’m loving

Sunscreen with a scent that reminds me of childhood

Upcoming thoughts of NC apples. 

Snail mail

Reminding myself some writing hits and some misses. Keep at it. 

Limiting social media

Cozy pjs

Not loving

That I fight doubt every day

Prayer requests and praises?


  1. Oh yes, apple season! We hope to get some fresh apples in October when we go up to North Georgia for a few days. Nothing better than fresh picked apples and apple cider! Cozy PJ weather is coming! Maybe not yet here in Florida, but it is coming. LOL. Have a lovely day.

  2. I use sunscreen but I hate how sticky it can make you, depending on the brand. But apples...oh I can't wait either. Ours are starting to be picked here in NH now. Happy start to September a few days late. hugs-Erika

  3. What a wonderful list of loves! Our apples are coming on now -- love it!

  4. I love your list of loves. Very well done.

    You're always in my prayers, Regine. ♥

  5. I think we all fight doubt each day in our own ways.

  6. Apple season is the best!!! I'm loving the cooler weather and lower humidity this early in the season. Blessings!

  7. I hear you - your writing sounds like my card making - some hits, some misses.... but we keep going
    Please pray for rapid healing of injuries sustained in a fall today
    Thanks and blessings

  8. I enjoy reading your posts. I like apples as well. I need to make applesauce soon as I have had apples for almost a week that I bought from Bauman's Farm and Garden store. It is rather hot today and a bit cooler tomorrow. I need to stay indoors to due what's in the air and recovering from allergies that I have had lately. I did get to urgent care on Monday and I got some good help.
    I go through rough times a few times but I know that Jesus hears my prayers and helps me through it. I need to keep reading a good book based on staying with God when we are going thru up and down times in life. Hugs and prayers, Becky
