Monday, September 30, 2019

Office tales

When the doctor
Keeps a picture
On his wall
Proud that his hands
Could help facilitate
A miracle
I remember
That picture
We gave him
Climbing a mountain
In an AFO
With lime green Velcro
Doctors are humans
And need affirmation too.
Choosing the good
To remember
Instead of only
The dread I feel.


  1. Thank you for sharing Regine. I remember when my youngest daughter,now an adult, had her cancer surgery her pediatric oncologist added we added her picture to his wall of patients.

  2. Hello, Happy memories are the best! Enjoy your day and new week, Happy October!

  3. You are so right. That's wonderful the photo is on the wall and I thank you for the reminder that thanks matter.

  4. I'm glad you have at least some good memories with the doctor visits. Nice that he keeps the picture you gave him on his wall.


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