Keep moving
Keep it rolling
I can’t get mad
Or just
Let it go
And remember
Seasons change
And I can adapt
I’m being challenged
To relish silence
Within the stillness
Keep moving
Keep it rolling
I can’t get mad
Or just
Let it go
And remember
Seasons change
And I can adapt
I’m being challenged
To relish silence
Within the stillness
Watching From Scratch With Love, and my soul needed it. To bring me back to the place where dreams came true. Where hope and joy were alive. I was alive. Where I walked in that church, and I felt at home. What I’m saying is I’m having to remember the good in my life. The trip to Cape Cod, sitting on an empty beach at ten in the morning massaging the sand in my fingertips. Picking up broken seashells like pieces of priceless treasure. Right now, I’m the broken seashells. I have to remember I am priceless treasure. I’m weary. I’m tired. I’m humbled by a movie and the way it opened my eyes today
Up early with the chickens
Trying to get the brain going
And see what lands
And I’m wiping sleep
From my eyes
Lord, you provide. You are trying to teach me. You are showing me what surrender is. And for that, I’m in tears. Thank you for loving me my very loving followers. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for all your love. It’s taking all I have not to explode. I don’t want to divulge yet. And I don’t want to act like a grinch, but my soul is taking hits. Please pray for me. Tell me your good news. I need to rejoice in goodness.
I’m seething with anger
Tears streaming down
My cheeks
Smoke billowing
And I’m
Seeing I
Have issues
I’m not in
A good mood
Even if I know
I’m blessed
And should be
Counting my blessings
Thanksgiving week
Let me be
Full of hope
And expectant joy
And blissful smiles
Good morning from the frosty South
Fire is crackling
Blanket wrapped around
Music playing
And I’m warm inside
Tell me something good?
Favorite Thanksgiving side?
Favorite gift to give?
Do you send out Christmas cards?
What do you want for Christmas?
I’m realizing
That you can’t rush
It happens
When it does
I can’t force
I can only control
My attitude
I’m being equipped
And as much
As I desire
To return
To old habits
Is not longer
The aim
If I seek
True contentment
This morning my nephew gave me a gift. One I didn’t know I needed. It’s an appreciation for home. The one you can’t replace. The one you can’t live without. It’s my everyday canvas. One I don’t take time to nourish. It’s the blades of grass that ground my feet and tickle my toes. It’s the wildlife in my backyard that make it home. It’s the place that is always there. While I dream of big cities and glittering, shiny lights, it’s the grass being cut by the tractor in the pasture, where I know God is. I went to the doctor yesterday getting medicine injected into the pump in my abdomen, I felt peace. Peace, it’s coming because I’ve been coming to acceptance. Acceptance that God will provide what I can’t. In this season, thankfulness has a new meaning. Freedom. It’s not Christmas yet, but I’m celebrating like it is.
It’s Your day Lord.
May I give
Due praise
For I am
By a Presence
That is holy
And beautiful
May I do
Your will
And relinquish
What are you reading?
What are you eating?
What are you buying?
Any prayer requests?
Any good news?
Almost two months. I didn’t think I’d feel peace. Know peace. It’s there. It helps to have my siblings’ kids to call my own. And love them so much it hurts. I also have accepted that physically my body couldn’t sustain life. And I couldn’t harm my body chasing something not knowing if I truly desired it or if I put pressure on myself to want two kids and a white picket fence. With the husband. I’ve so conditioned myself to conform to standards I couldn’t meet much less exceed. Perfection is a you know what. So some wishes are there, some squashed. I will keep those private, unless you can already read my mind. I’m convinced some of you can. I’m getting to know the real me. Someone I’ve never taken the time to know. Or cared too at all. God said that starts now. And I’m listening. For the first time. Actually listening.
Some days I put pressure on myself to deliver. Deliver words that make a difference. Some days I question my value. Is what I do quantifiable? I know this is flawed thinking. I do it anyway. I do this when I try to have control. I know I don’t have it. I still crave it. I’m in waiting. I’ve had to give up what I wanted because my heart said no. Patience is a virtue. Not one I have. It’s necessary. I don’t ask for it. I’m being allotted it anyone. Being honest sets you free. Vulnerability is coming. I’m tired of holding it all in. You’re not alone. I’m not alone.
Latin beats
Match the Cuban roots
And I’m swaying
Hips groove
Our heritage
Never leaves us
My soul smiles
With the rhythm
And rhyme
With the knowledge
That my abuelita
Would laugh
And say
I told you so
The fog lifting
Is my greeting
This warm
November morn
Where possibility
Is just that
Hope is
In abundance
Peace is offered
And love
Is on
The periphery
Just waiting
To make
Its claim
At the center
Of humanity
For where
Love resides
Disdain subsides
Hate ceases
Love encapsulates
Who we can be
When we cease
To be self-absorbed
And defiant
Who I am
Is to be
The outward representation
Of who
He’s always been
And without
Malicious intent
The command
That doesn’t shift
With prevailing wisdom
I’m fighting my flesh today. Trying now to cower to my own expectation. Worshipping through the anxiety. Having to trust. I don’t understand much, but this I know: God wants all of me. And He will get it. He stripping away the filter. I’m raw. Square one is better with God than polished refinement.
You want it all
I hide
But you
Find me
Every time
Batting an eyelash
Love yourself
It’s the one thing
That makes me shudder
To this day
Let me view
The mirror’s reflection
As proof of Your majesty
God, it’s Monday morning. It’s your child Regine searching for words that escape me. My thoughts reflect the deep seated fog outside. It’s the month of gratitude. I’m needing grace right now from myself to let go and let You do Your work. I have not cut out to figure it all out.
My prayer today
Be an instrument
Of mercy and grace
Where peace
Is granted
To every
Anxious heart
For the love
Of Christ
Warm my bones
Soothe my soul
And grant forgiveness
To your children
Who struggle
To give it
To themselves
Any prayer requests?
In the silence
Of morning
When all
I hear
Are the roaring
Of the
In my brain
I have words
To convey
What my thoughts
Are making
Me feel
You affirm me every day. It makes me smile. The fact that you look forward to another ten years makes me cry. I hope that I can continue to inspire and make you smile. Thank you for loving me. Now, the only job I have is to love myself as much or more than others love me. I love you all.