Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Dove and betodine

 A friend suggested praying surrender prayers.  For the first time, I’m considering it. For me surrendering is akin to acceptance. When I surrender, I accept that I no longer have the answers that I need or like. I talk a lot about both, but don’t do either well. This is not new. If you’ve followed long enough, you know. The irony is I surrender every day when I share each day. I surrender my need my need for perfection. I don’t know whether this or that post will hit or miss. I accept that each day may be a terrible or useless post. I leave my thoughts in this space up to His discernment whether I’ve realized it or not. The question is whether I’m bold enough to follow it up in real life. On that table Monday, I briefly in that moment when I happened to think the doctor was washing my stomach with Dove soap instead of betodine. It’s amazing what your mind will conjure up to calm your nerves. I only realized it thirty minutes later when in a dressing room i saw my stomach was sticky and orange. I was so disappointed to not be smelling so fresh and clean. I will say to any healthcare professionals, don’t ask me if I’m ready.  I’m never ready. I will say this NP never told me a thing, and I appreciated it so much. Each appointment teaches me a new lesson. Love you all


  1. We love you too Regine. I'm facing a couple of medical procedures myself and I'm not looking forward to it. Praying for you sweet sister!

  2. Give us, please, an example of a surrender prayer!

  3. Medical procedures can be very stressful.

  4. I find surrender hard too. Very. Good luck.

  5. Hope all is well with you, Regine. It is hard to surrender, isn't it?

  6. My dear, I haven't "met" you as it were but I feel comfortable with you. Blessings and peace. I will come and see you again.

  7. Surrender is one of the most difficult disciplines in the Christian life, and one I still struggle with 50 years on...

  8. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. All the best!

  9. Surrender? What's that? I wish you well with your journey as I struggle with mine too. x

  10. Your words remind me to surrender as well. Take care my friend!

  11. You do have to tell them what the issues are. Of course, sometimes, I think they haven't a clue. It's like we are reading two different books. Recently, I had a bad experience at a doctor's appointment. My refills didn't even get filled. It was like I wasn't even at the appointment. She would not listen to anything I had to say and it was just a routine checkup.

    On the surrender prayer, some say it's necessary, but I believe God listens to whatever is on your mind, don't be too hard on yourself. Religion is a personal matter.

  12. Love you, too, darling! I so respect your willingness to surrender.

