Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Getting to know moi

 In every Amazon order I have at least one book

I have six destinations on my bucket list

As a snack I like SmartSweets candy

I have music on when I write

I have so many clothes in my closet, but wear the same things every day

Share yours?


  1. When in each corner there is a little bit of us. enjoy.
    Cordial and poetic greetings
    Poetic Thoughts and Daydreams

  2. I order all kinds of things at Amazon.

    I don't have a bucket list.

    I don't snack.

    I rarely have the music on unless I'm walking.

    I have just the right about of clothes in my closet and I wear all of them at one time or another.

    Have a fabulous day, Regine. ♥

  3. I do not order in Amazon...
    No bucket list....
    Snack: olives!
    Music always!
    Clothes... mmmmm a lot... but sometimes I don't find what to wear...

  4. We order all the time on Amazon. Sometimes books.
    No real bucket list, just dreams.
    Snack: anything chocolate
    Music is on a LOT. I've always loved music of all kinds.
    Clothes: very minimal. I have 7 sundresses for summer and 9 winter dresses. That's it. I simplified my wardrobe about five years ago and never looked back. It makes life SO EASY!

  5. trying not to snack too much fruit for sure.

  6. FInd this post very interesting.

    Love: Mariann Yip

  7. Don't order anything from Amazon
    Dreams instead of bucket list
    crisps, chocolate for snacks
    listen to all kinds of music
    I have plenty of clothes but tend to wear the same ones

  8. Only Amazon orders now are Audible books.
    No bucket list except to visit great grand kids.
    Snacks: cheese, avocados and chocolate
    All music, whenever possible. Love live music.
    Uniform of jeans and shirts. Sweatshirts and flannel when cold.

  9. Same goes on clothes.
    The HH orders paperbacks from Amazon constantly. I order their downloads:)
    Hawaii is on my bucket list.
    And my go-to snack is trail mix:)

  10. I buy cardmaking supplies and one of my dreams when things are more safe is to prepare card making kits and share them with friends coming to my home and leaving with handmade cards. I like to listen to songs that lift my song I listened to at the end of last week was "At the Cross" Part of the lyrics is where we sing to God "that I know He loves me" this is such comfort
    As for clothes I love to thrift shop, but I rotate other pieces out and redonate. The Lord is developing in me a heart for the hurting, injustice and the poor, so most of the books I read are on these subjects. Brian Stevenson who wrote "Just Mercy" is coming to my town next month and my daughter and her friend and I going to hear him speak! Thank you for your intentionality in sharing who you are!
    and asking me to share who I am. A work in progress for sure!

  11. I don't order from Amazon but Daughter does if I need anything.
    No bucket list
    Galaxy chocolate,snickers.mars bars
    No music at the moment as speakers broken on computer
    Had a mayor clothes declutter-2pairs trousers/three tops/three cardigans/2pais PJs/2 dressing gowns2 pairs shoes/1 pair boots/1 thick jacket/1 jacket for warmer weather--simplified and use them all.
    Carol x

  12. I love amazon they even bring me groceries for FREE. All the other stores charge unless you pick up than Wal-Mart and Target are free. We are terrible. We buy old school candy, rocky Road (my mom's favorite), Mall cups and other things. We try to be good though. My bucket list is to visit our youngest daughter & her husband in Western NY but they have crummy weather like us so maybe in the warm months. I love music, it is my favorite thing. Reading too. I have tons of clothes but I organized some of it and wear something new each day. The hubby and I love matching t shirts so I buy lots of those too. My pup Lulu is 4 today. SHe is so darn cute. Today is the anniversary of my sister going to heaven in 2001. I really miss her, she was always so calm and easy to talk with. I'll see her again, I Just know it.

  13. I order gifts on Amazon but not much else. I like chocolate almost anything, I have so many destinations on my bucket list and I will tick one off next December as I visit the Panama canal! I do not listen to music, as I taught dance for so many years and that is all it was for hours, so I like the quiet. I have way too many clothes, as my sister sends them to me. I try and rotate and when I find I am not wearing them I take them to good will.

  14. In my last Amazon order it was shoes.

    I doubt I go anywhere as of late.

    As a snack I like all sorts of nuts. Preferably roasted nuts in the shell best.

    I have music on when I sleep.

    I have so much...yarn, fingernail polish, lotions and photos and well..I'm not very organized, but sometime...I like to sew or make Barbie clothes too.and of course, there is writing..I know, when do I even have time to work..but I do that too.

  15. I don't buy as many books from Amazon as I once did, but I check out way too many of them from my library. I currently have three destinations on my bucket list: Easter Island, Morocco, and England. I love white cheddar popcorn, own too many CDs because I love listening to music, and love my comfy hoodies. :)

  16. I always have books in my Amazon order, too.
    The main thing on my bucket list is to get back to Enngland.
    My fave snack these days is cheese balls! Popcorn is a close second.
    When I write I usually have TV in the background -- except at Christmas.
    I'm pretty much the same with clothes in the closet and wearing the same thing.

  17. I often wear the same thing every day until wash day and then I change until the others are washed and It also depends on the weather. Here in Florida it can be hot one day and cold the next, so I keep two sets of clothes handy and always a flannel shirt ready to grab when needed. I haven't bought any books in a while. I usually get them from the library when I am in reading mode. I just haven't been doing a lot of reading lately. Sometimes I listen to music here on the computer with my headphones on while I read and write. Snack...hmm, maybe a cookie or two or an apple. or peanut butter sandwich. Depends on my mood and how hungry I am. Destinations? I really don't have any on my bucket list. I'd be happy to just take a road trip somewhere different, but hubby doesn't enjoy driving much anymore. Traffic makes him nervous, and he doesn't like to let me drive cause I make him nervous too. LOL. So here we are! Life is good. I'm thankful.

  18. I buy books from Amazon too often. And I also like comfy clothes. I have about 100 places on my wish list to visit, but I have about 10 in my top places. I love dogs, all animals, and a good walk is my favorite exercise.

  19. okay one thing really made me laugh. I have so many clothes and at least 30 pairs of shoes, having gotten rid of a whole lot in the past. I only bought cheap shoes in the past like Pay Less. I wear a large size because in my past i was 5 11 - more like 5 9 1/2 now...but i didn't know for years that when i wore a 10 i needed a wide width. many shoes i never wore but held on to because they were pretty. I still have so many shoes but still wear the same ole tennis shoes and the same old jeans and shirts every day...I bought new clothes never wear them. I bought new stuff in 2017 for a trip to Jamaica and wore stuff once. Anyway...i also love snack like Welch's fruit snacks in little packets.. i have the whole world as my destination but due to living on a budget retired - forget all that. for now anyway...I order books sometimes but have my favorite collections always within reach and read over again, they are mainly self help, spiritual, psychology that stuff. But i have some favorite authors of fiction i love. i go to instagram mainly fr the dance and music videos and watch so much in the morning and keep thinking i'll get up and learn some of these dances i see and then i sit and sit. But i do get out whenever i can and hike and will do that I assume if i'm around into my 90's. i plan on it anyway.

  20. I don't order from Amazon, but i do frequent the local library when I let myself read... if i didn't ration myself nothing would get done!!
    I love to travel, but my next destination is still within New Zealand, thanks to $$ and Covid...
    I don't snack much, but love a brand of dried, salted peas that I can buy here
    I generally live in silence, but sometimes have radio streaming when working on the computer at night
    I don't have an extensive wardrobe, and like you, I tend to stick with the more limited options of my favourites :)
    Stay safe

  21. Another fun list! It's amazing how much you can learn about someone from seemingly so little. Here's mine:

    In every other Amazon order I have at least one book.

    I have no destinations on my bucket list.

    As a snack I like mini cheddar rice cakes. But I don't let myself buy them too often because I'll eat the whole bag.

    I have to have quiet when I write.

    I have so many clothes in my closet but wear pajamas all day every day. Except for when I'm doing blog photo shoots or glamming up for Zoom. :)

  22. I should make a list of places I would like to go, I think about places but never write them down, since the pandemic we haven't done much traveling but hope to be able to soon :)

  23. I wear different things every day and I like changing clothes. I love reading too!
