Thursday, August 8, 2024

Growth and greatness

 Got some tough love yesterday, but was given it kindly and with love. Sometimes love can be rough. Sometimes perception and reality are so different it takes someone with fresh eyes to show you how to take a mindset reset. In ten minutes this friend reframed my brain on how I view the past, present and future. In two different days, two friends drug me down the rabbit hole of my psyche, digging to the crux of my problem, and turning the world on its axis. They both are busy, but they took the time to minister to me. I told them I didn’t want to bother them, but it wasn’t an option. 

I was to spill my guts. I was to release the pain. The agony that has taken over my mind and body. Praying is great, but God gives you people willing to help. Take it. If it’s being offered freely, God is giving you the opening. Use it. When your friends can here in your voice the demons resurfacing, you just say a silent thank you that you can hide. Hide from those whose joy is to see you thrive. 

I can’t give them any worldly value, but what I give them is more than enough. And I look up now, smile and give thanks. The return on investment in these friendships is eternal. 

So what I’m saying this. 

God is giving me

An opportunity

An opening

To reach

Into growth

And greatness

I can only

Hope the same

To be

True for you


  1. Friends, especially those comfortable with being candid, sometimes act as God's messengers.

  2. Friends like that are the best. Glad you have them in your life.

  3. Aw, those sound like some really wonderful friends!!

  4. Those are best friends and gifts from God!

  5. That's what friends are for. I'm so glad you have them Regine. x

  6. What a blessing to have such good REAL friends. You are blessed indeed.

  7. You are very lucky to have true friends who will lovingly tell you the truth for your own good. Pretty lies may sound nice but they will never help us to grow.

  8. Your friends sound like a wonderful gift. I can tell you value and cherish them. I'm glad they are part of your life.

  9. God is giving you an opportunity to reach into growth, as you wrote. And your two friends are stepping up for you with the truth as they see it. Friends are great blessings.

  10. God answered your prayers by giving your friends the words you needed to hear, I agree how wonderful he uses others to help us through this time!
