Friday, August 9, 2024


 What are you reading?

What are you buying?

What healthy meals are you making?

Your wins for the week?

What is making you smile?


  1. What are you reading? The Islanders series by K.A. Applegate. It's an old series, but I enjoy it.

    What are you buying? I Got 2 LOOKS Barbies for my birthday! & I enjoy being creative with them.

    What healthy meals are you making? I did make asparagus this week.

    Your wins for the week? Oh, I'm happy to get the little things done that need to done around the house.

    What is making you smile? Making a Made to Move Ken.

  2. I'm reading The Rom-Commers right now; it's really cute! We're still buying ALL the college things-- we're down to things like school supplies and toiletries and small stuff like that now. I've been making lots of fish and veggie dishes with our freshly caught fish and CSA boxes of veggies. Wins for the week include getting caught up on all the laundry. Funny shows/books have been making me smile.

  3. 1.When Calls the Heart by Jannette Oke 2. I will probably be buying Dawn Power Wash and and Cascade Dishwaxher Tabs 3. Healthy Meals? Well....4. My wins for the week I was able to reconnect with a Instagram friend in had lost contact with. 4. I'm making some progress on a modest dress that it took four years to work up the nerve to try and sew.

  4. What are you reading? "Three Sister, Three Queens" by Philippa Gregory.
    What are you buying? I bought a t-shirt with our lake name on it yesterday.
    What healthy meals are you making? I'm not sure they were healthy! We've had brats of late. But lots of eggs!
    Your wins for the week? Two days with the grands at the lake!
    What is making you smile? Two days of grands at the lake!

  5. Not reading anything apart from blogs!

    Hallowe'en stuff and a few nail polishes!

    Tofu miso soup.

    No wins that I can think of!

    Cats, my cats always make me smile.

  6. Reading blogs, buying groceries and restaurant food, meal of salmon with veggies stir fry, great check up at doctors was a win, and a smile with the family. Checking on a new round of PT for Gene today.

  7. I'll just answer the last two and it's the same: a good decision of firing a man who really deserved it taken by my superiors (and his).

  8. Every day, I know I can find something to smile about. :)

  9. *about the big fire here in California.
    *a Fall dish towel and a pumpkin creamer.
    *barbecued chicken and broccoli
    *my computer is fixed after a couple days of being wonky.
    *pictures from my So Cal trip. : )

  10. I'm reading the first book of Ken Follett's Century Trilogy. It is fantastic! I'm not buying much, but I'm eating lots of fresh cukes from my garden. And my wins this week- a nice walk with friends, another nice walk with my dogs, and a great art day today. Have a super weekend.

  11. My win for the week was that my Son in law 'saved' me having to buy a new car battery..

  12. What are you reading? Third Heaven Authority

    What are you buying? Lotsa Groceries.

    What healthy meals are you making? Tonight, chili burritos with Mexican cheese. Kinda healthy?

    Your wins for the week? Got through the beginning of school!

    What is making you smile? Your question posts!! 😀
