Friday, August 16, 2024


 Greener pastures

The goal

The only 

Thing is

You’re never

Prepared for 

What it takes

To make

It happen

The sweaty brows

Bruised knees

And egos

That get


More than 

NCAA brackets


What happens

When focus 

Is lost

And running

On fumes

Making up

Lost ground

And precious seconds


Make it

Worth the pain


  1. I hope He makes it worth all the pain, too. Have a great day, Regine! :D

  2. Don't worry about greener pastures, they only look greener beause more manure is used on them. You will make you're own happy, I know you can do it with God's help.

  3. Happy Friday! Hope you're doing well, Regine! :)

  4. I believe that our pain is never wasted. I wish I had a Scripture from the Bible to back my statement. I believe that God uses our pain for His glory when we lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and cry out to Him. We then tell Him that we know the battle is His and we will trust Him. I know from Scripture that God is faithful. I pray you feel the presence of the Lord and you know that you are not alone. Kathi

  5. It sounds like things have gotten worse for you. To be constantly in pain is unthinkable, but unfortunately it's your reality. I pray for you to find solace.

  6. God counts your tears and keeps them - He knows you and loves you dearly. Be comforted and encouraged Regine. Prayers

  7. Hoping for the best for you. How is your project coming along?
