Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 I look on this day differently these days. I will trust God that every desire will be met. I thought for so long I had to be fixed or normal to be loved, but I’m realizing that’s not the case. What needs to be fixed is my attitude. I believe in God, but I don’t trust Him to fulfill the deepest wants of my heart. Am I ashamed to admit this?  Yes. I’ve learned that admitting the less savory parts of me lead to progress. I need that more than my pride. Real authenticity will bring results not stupid lies. 


  1. This is a hard day for many people but its such a blessing to know that the love of God is the best.

  2. This is so good. https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2023/02/inside-latest-heart-shaped-handbag-trend.html

  3. Regine, you are amazing with your words!
    Be blessed and be well! ❤️

  4. It can be hard to trust God like that.

  5. Replies
    1. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

    2. Perfect and true and I have embraced this very very closely.

  6. Being authentic is not easy and you are so good at it!

  7. I had a reply typed. Went to see what Sandi had said however and when I scrolled back down, I can't find it. However, I will return.

  8. Being imperfect is perfect in God's eyes. You are loved on this Valentine's day!

  9. Good things happen when you believe in yourself.

  10. You are a blessing to me and to us. Thank you for your open honesty. I pray this day was a day of peace and true love and joy in your heart. (((hugs)))

  11. Sending love your way, dear Regine, and I hope February is filled with wonderful things.

    ~ Sheri

  12. Love that statement about loving God and trusting Him to fulfil the deepest desires of your heart - I am still learning that one also

  13. Love this, so true! We are all still learning on this one I'm afraid.
