Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 I’m raw. Trust me, I’m aware. I no longer ask why. Or am getting better at not going down that trail of disaster. I’m functioning on reserves of the well. Surrender happens when you no longer know what to seek. When the only thing you seek is the Face. Meet me eye to eye. Search my tears. Search my fears. Rid me of my bitterness and jealousy. Rid me of the need to know. 

God is the only One who can answer my soul. The mass delusion of the world. Thanks friend. Thanks friend for reminding me that we idolize celebrities and others who lives appear perfect. The happiest relationships. The money to not worry about anything. God is stripping me of false idols. The more I see, the more I need to disconnect.  Be happy and prosper. I’m finding that nothing is satisfying my soul. 

In seven days, I’ve been stripped bare. I’ve not been able to accept that you could love me as well as you do. But, you, are faithful in your love for me. And it’s your love keeping me afloat. You give me all of yourselves. Thank you friends. 

What I need

Manna from Heaven

Is your love

For this 



  1. Holding you in prayer, my friend.

  2. You are right about celebrities. They sometimes seem to have it all, but I think often they are the least happy.

  3. God Is with you, Rue. Many times we seek in this world, what can only be found in the cross and we mistake delusion and emotions with love and happiness.
    It's not wrong to pursue happiness and what we wish for, if it is according to God's Word and Will. And it is okay for us to want to be happy.
    I'm sure God doesn't want us to be unhappy; after all He Is our Father.
    So, keep aspiring to do His Will for your life and ask Him to help you stop comparing to others.
    One verse of the Bible I love is James 1:5-8, because I need constantly to be reminded of not comparing my life to other people's lives, so I always ask God for wisdom on how to do that and He gives it to me!
    "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."
