Thursday, May 9, 2024


 Tornado warning 

Three AM

Not a great 

Wake up call

Put on a 

Gators sweater

To the closet

I went

To huddle

As I was hugged

Rode it out

Took two hours

To fall back asleep

But in that time

God revealed

Some truths

I’d be struggling

With for awhile

And in that moment

I’ve never been 

More grateful

For early days

When what

Is not wanted

Is what is needed

More than

The air 

That is exhaled


  1. Everything happens for a reason, even if the reason was enforced awakeness.

  2. Truth in the face of the unknown often brings thanksgiving to the heart for the forgotten times in our lives. Gifts are often fleeting but burned deeply in our memories, brought to light to remind us how fortunate we are in the moment of need.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  3. Glad you are ok - and got something good out of it too.

  4. So thankful you are safe and all is well now. Sometimes God gets our attention in mysterious ways. But so thankful for you to be okay. (((hugs)))

  5. We can trust Him when he says no.

  6. Love your poetry! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I'm glad you found some peace from God while having to take refuge from the tornado warning. And so glad you are Ok, dear friend. Sometimes the whispers come when we don't expect it, and we are pleasantly surprised.

