Friday, May 17, 2024

Three things

 Three things

Open heart equals open mind

I’m learning to ask. No is not so scary anymore. Yes may actually be the answer. 

Fear exits as my voice raises

I’m glad you all are willingly here to cheer me on. I’m beyond grateful. Thank you so much. 

What are you weekly wins?


  1. Just making it through a crazy week is my win. :D

  2. Why is it that so many of us have trouble saying no? My win this week was completing a work project that has been hanging over my head. :)

  3. My family always taught me "it never hurts to ask" but I still find my anxiety makes it so hard to do!

  4. Sometimes we don't actually think we are worthy of a "yes", and are shocked when it happens. Graceful acceptance is an art.

  5. My wins: longer walks, time with grandkids and friends.

  6. You are easy to cheer for dear friend <3 Not my best week but I got through it and I managed to get in all my workouts. Tell me about your project and I will see if I can pitch in.

  7. My big win is seeing Danny improve every day.
    Blessings, Regine!

  8. Oh, I dunno..I did get some upsetting pray for my family. I'm grateful to have all my work tasks done this week, I ate a lot of veg and that has helped my blood sugar. Of course, I had to go without a lot of foods that I thought were OK to eat. & of course, there has been beautiful weather. All the best to your creativity and faith🌸🩷🍧

  9. Those are wonderful realizations. No wins or loses this week, but it was still a very good week!

  10. Those are good realizations. I like your no thought. I don't like to ask either, but the worst that could happen is a no!

  11. I love that you're learning to ask. Humility is a great quality. We all need help sometimes!

  12. Hello, thank you very much for your visit and your beautiful, sincere comment. I believe that it is worth listening to your own heart, because it knows best, knows better than we do.

    "You can see well only with the heart The most important thing is invisible to the eyes" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

    Cheers, have a good weekend.

  13. Great to read.
    Happy weekend. Stay well.

  14. It can be hard to ask for what you need. I always remind myself that I won't actually be worse off than before, even if they say no. But it's still hard!

  15. I am a bit late to this party Regine ... - my win last week was to get out for a walk again, after a week or so confined to barracks with bronchitis... it was worth the week of doing very little to be recovered enough to make it around the block!

  16. I saw two deer outside my window right by my car. I can almost touch them. It was a blessing for sure. : )
