Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 My favorite trip in the US:  Nantucket

International trip: Assisi, Italy

Favorite recipe: My abuela’s cooking

My favorite authors:  Lucy Sykes Rellie and Plum Sykes

My favorite designers: Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera

Favorite restaurants: The Purple Onion in Saluda NC and Stoneacre Brasserie in Newport, RI

Favorite gems: Emeralds and Sapphires


  1. Favourite trip in Poland : The Karkonosze Mountains
    Favourite abroad: London, Greece, Norway
    Favourite writer: Stephen King & EM Remarque

  2. Quite the broad interests and likes. Spain was my favorite country to visit. My other likes are all over the map.

    Hugs and Blessings

  3. I would have to add rubies to emeralds and sapphires.

  4. Oh I LOVED Nantucket! Sapphires are one of my favorite gemstones too. I am such a sucker for anything blue.

  5. Un gusto conocerte un poco más!

  6. Sapphires are my birthstone! (Blue). I've never been to Nantucket, but I've been to Maine and NH, and that was my favorite place. We actually lived there for a while. Just too cold in the winter. Designers? I have no clue! I never had anything by any designer...Levi Strauss? LOL. I just mailed you a little package today. I hope it works out!

  7. Gracias por tu visita, buenas Noches!

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've been to Martha's Vineyard but never to Nantucket. I lived on Cape Cod for a while. Have a great day.

  9. R's Rue, un placer conocer tu blog, te sigo.
    Viajes favoritos varios, cuando uno va con la familia todos se disfrutan, Brasil, Cuba, Republica Dominicana, México, Chile, Perú, Uruguay y otros, me gustaría conocer Europa pero son viajes muy largos y no dispongo de tiempo.
    Receta de cocina, cualquiera que sea casera, hecha por mi o el asado.
    Me gusta el estilo de Carolina Herrera, es elegante y sus perfumes exquisitos.
    Piedras, me gusta coleccionar piedras que junto cuando voy al mar, algunas son preciosas.
    Te deseo un hermoso día
    Cariños y besos

  10. My mother's claim to fame is that she was born on Nantucket Island. That was 1928, long before it was only for the filthy rich to party and own land. I have been there as a young person, and it was delightful then with its cobblestone streets and sea breezes.

  11. Dearest Regine,
    You sure have been lucky to visit Assisi in Italy! We went to Florence and Monte Cassino where the grave battle during WWII took place. On our way to Herculaneum and that was incredible. Seeing the streets and buildings the way it was during Jesus' time on earth...
    Yes, we lived and worked in Italy but working 6 days a week did not leave much time to travel!
    Still so grateful for all we did.

  12. Thanks for sharing 😊 I don't tend to have favorites.

  13. Love this!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
    My favorite trip in the US: Enchanted Rock in Texas as well as Big Ben! (in west Texas)

    International trip: Guadalajara, Mexico

    Favorite recipe: A good Margarita (the traditional one without syrup)

    My favorite authors: S.E. Hinton. K.A. Applegate, Ruby Dixon and Cate Cann
    My favorite designers: I am not sure I have one. I like German, and Japanese designed clothing best. Especially, if it has pockets!

    1. Favorite places to eat: Honestly, Village Inn is near the top, but if I can I like going to our local Bon Ami for a milk tea.

  14. Thanks for sharing your favourites.

    All the best Jan

  15. I have never been to Nantucket.

  16. You've been to Italy? Wow, I would like to go there. I've never been to Nantucket either and would enjoy that.
    I enjoyed seeing your favorites!

  17. So nice. I love my grandmother”s cooking as well :)
    I love travelling... I have not in the last too many years :D
    HUgs :)

  18. Saint Francis, one of my beloved Saints, was from Assisi.

    And Emerald is my birthstone! Isn't it unique?

    It's nice to get to know the little things you like, my friend. And thank you for visiting just to say hello. I always appreciate that.


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  20. You have some wonderful favorites. I grew up in Massachusetts but never got to Nantucket. Always wanted to go. I have a sapphire ring that was my Mother's. It was her birthstone. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. x

  21. Looks as though you have travelled further than I have - Australia and Tonga are my only overseas trips :)

  22. My birthstone is the sapphire but I have always preferred emeralds. :)
