Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pearson Falls

 Hiking up Pearson Falls, I realized some truths I’d avoided. I’m stronger than I’d ever thought. I had to go slower than a turtle at times. It was a very frustrating truth to accept. Accepting what I’ve always known is still hard for me. But as I took in nature, I felt that everyone was on a level playing field. And for that I’m grateful. Even if it’s considered an easy trail for most people, I just had to be happy that I completed the task. 

Looking up at the waterfall, peace was present in my soul. I couldn’t believe at forty that my body could still do it. It did and can. After the hike was complete, I’ve never felt more joy. Joy in my ability to get out of my own head. Joy in how much I’m loved. Joy in the ability to not downplay the accomplishment. 

Dear friends:  lead in love, rejoice in thankfulness, be joyful and be small in the trees


  1. Beautifully written. I love hikes that end at waterfalls. :D

  2. Dearest Regine,
    That was quite an accomplishment for you!
    Never mind our pace it is such a joy for being able to walk.

  3. Congratulations and so happy for you. My spouse Gene is off on his trike giving him the same joy, which gives me joy for the both of you. Hugs.

  4. Beautiful, I'm glad you soldiered on and had a moment of joy!

  5. This is the meaning of every day is a blessing. It is easy to forget when life seems a drudgery. I thank the Lord for every moment of my day and for the life granted.

    Hugs and Blessings

  6. Good for you Regine! I'm glad you were able to complete it and then feel the joy and accomplishment!

  7. What a joy to maintain strength and endurance 👍

  8. I have come to that realization, too. Though I need to work on my leg strength to help me avoid injury.

  9. How nice that you took a hike and saw the waterfalls. They always are so calming and comforting to be around. And I loved your last words....be small in the trees. ; )


  10. So wonderful! I am so happy for you!! That is a great accomplishment!! Thank you for sharing it with us! We rejoice with you!

  11. Such beautiful inspiration for us all. Blessings, Regine!

  12. Beautiful share! Good for you! As I grow older so many things are not so easy to do. I do the very best I can and even 10 years ago when I could jog I ran like a turtle stuck in peanut butter- but I was able to move at my own pace. God bless you.

  13. This hike sounds so wonderufl! Glad you found peace my friend!

  14. That's great. Great to read. Greetings. God Bless.

  15. A wonderful achievement Regine - congratulations! Not just for the physical challenge completed, but also the acknowledgement of your limitations and acceptance of them with grace and gratitude

  16. Congratulations! That is a great achievement.

  17. Hiking is so rewarding and peaceful, I go slow too.

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