Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Please, I beg you, treasure your health. “Liquid gold” injection was a success, but it comes at a price. Imagine after your done, you lie still, the doctor gives you his gloved hand squeezing yours trying to give you human connection and reassurance. The pain is something I try not to think of, but later that day, it took all the energy I had to eat something, and take a few steps to bed. I don’t need you to feel bad for me. I must endure pain to find relief for the next few months. 

For the next week, I will be moving slowly. No exercise for me. I just want you to enjoy life. Enjoy what I can’t. Relish the fact that needles aren’t needed to bring joy to the body. To use the potty without pain. If your muscles can stretch and not lock, you are blessed. If you can move without strain, do it for me. 

Listening to my muscles on the machine, it sounded like a freight train. It’s not a sound anyone wants to hear. Nobody had to ask about the degrees of my pain. My mouth would lie, the machine wouldn’t. Doctor said why won’t you tell me when you have pain. I said I never have. I never will. I’m used to pain. I know you can provide answers. 

I’m not fighting what I already know. I just have to trust what I don’t understand. The questions don’t serve me. The answers may not either. Right now, I’m headed to the couch to rest. 

Love you all. 

Love yourself and one another. 



  1. I hope the injections work for you. Pain on an everyday basis is so hard to deal with.

  2. Dearest Regine,
    It would be wonderful if those injections pay off by reducing your pain.
    For myself I am used to the pain after one year, knowing it will never leave me. Just praying for strength to endure it and also that I might be able to sleep a few hours as I need my rest.
    Big hugs,

  3. You are so brave to be silent, I can't help the OH’s and AH's. I hope I can be as brave some day. Big hugs to you, even if they hurt, you will know I mean it. x

  4. Sending you gentle (((hugs))) and prayers for your comfort and strength. May God lift you up and carry you on His gentle and compassionate arms. Praying the injections give you some good relief.

  5. Lots of healing energy hugs ~ acceptance and trust are difficult for all of us ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I'm glad the injection is over and I hope the healing comes sooner than you expect and the results are all you hope. And yes, we all take our bodies for granted until something occurs to remind us we aren't stuffed toys or dolls, but living, feeling people with working parts that don't always work.

  7. Regine, sometimes temporary and incomplete relief is all one can hope for and is appreciated. There's nothing like having a serious health issue (or multiple issues) to make one appreciate whatever measure of health we do have. You are very wise in your approach. And being such a gifted writer must be a great comfort to you.

  8. We take good health for granted until we lose it. Invisible disabilities (those not apparent by viewing someone) are not understood by too many people. My mother had one and I saw her struggle with it. I hope that you get the relief sooner rather than later. Alana

  9. You are brave and bold and have a poet's soul. I am asking God for pain relief and healing for you.

  10. We send lots of hugs too and pray the injections help.

  11. I'm so sorry for you, you are so brave and nice soul!
    Sending you lots of positive vibes, try to hold on and keep on thinking positive and I'm sure everything gonna be alright!

  12. I am sorry to hear what you go through every day. I do think you should let your doctor know when you need help, though. I suffer from a disability and cannot walk. I have a chronic disorder and when it's at its worst I cannot help but yell in pain when I try to move. Thank goodness some days are better than others. Wishing you better.

  13. Pain management is a troubling conversation. I think not enough research is put into that field. I hope this treatment works for you 🫂

  14. Rest and stay strong! We all are behind you and so is God.

  15. Having pain so much can be so frustrating. I try to have a high tolerance to pain but sometime I have to cry. No sympathy just part of my life and I am sending you some very gentle hugs across the miles. Please take care. God loves you and will remain at your side.

  16. Hopefully you are feeling better how. Big hugs x

  17. Sending you a big hug and my very good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. I love your attitude and pray the injections give you painless days.
    God Bless You.

  19. Regine you are so incredible. Prayers for a rapid recovery and good health going forward
