Friday, June 14, 2024


 The feather boa, the beaded necklace and the glass slipper. Playing pretend princess with the tiara of flowers and rhinestones perfecting the wave. Realizing the daydreams of yesteryear are long gone. Reality slaps you in the face as you pull a muscle getting into the car. The pain radiates, but then I think I’m grateful for the pain ironically. I go back in time to the days of Capri-Sun and Fruit Roll-Ups. I didn’t worry about high fructose corn syrup and refined sugars. Now I watch the scale intently ingesting brócoli and kale tricking myself into believing it’s ice cream. 

Inflation is talking about what is a reasonable price for just about anything from remember ninety-three cent a gallon gas or a five dollar combo meal. It’s now three plus dollars a gallon and I haven’t even eaten a combo meal in years to know the price. All I want is a Big Mac, yet I go home and make a kale salad instead. I remember spritzing myself with perfume and now they just sit out on display collecting dust. 

We don’t read the classics, learn Latin or write letters. I had a lesson on how AI works yesterday, and I was at a loss. We don’t do anything ourselves, there’s a program to do it for us. As much as I struggle to come up with what to say, I’m here to say, what I write is all me. 

I’m returning to the day of playing with play doh, drinking tea from a plastic teacup and singing off key. I need to return to the joy of childhood. 


  1. There are many days when I wish I could return to the simpler joys of childhood!

  2. Too much annoying things in life these days which we have to sort through. The days of our childhood were carefree, just live and have fun.

  3. Pues yo ya he conseguido bajar seis kilos, claro gracias al brócoli y demás verduras, pero de vez en cuando me doy un capricho, hace unos días estaba de compras y me zampé un 'Whopper' -¡pelillos a la mar! que se dice por aquí. Y ayer en el mercadillo un helado de vainilla.
    Total el mundo se está poniendo hecho "unos zorros" y Trump amenaza con volver...


  4. Well, I have already managed to lose six kilos, of course thanks to broccoli and other vegetables, but from time to time I indulge myself, a few days ago I was shopping and I ate a 'Whopper' - hairs to the sea! what is said around here. And yesterday at the market a vanilla ice cream. The world is turning into "foxes" and Trump threatens to return...


  5. "Here's to being a child again. To laughing without a reason, smiling so that others will do the same and believing the best is all around us." A quote from a little card that came with an "I Believe" bracelet for Christmas. That's my theme. The older I get, the more childlike I am becoming, and it's a happy place to be. Nothing wrong with that at all. But really one Big Mac won't kill you, except for the price now a days. I personally don't like them anyway, but still, if you really want one, I don't think it would hurt once in a blue moon. I enjoyed your post.

  6. Always nurture your inner child.

  7. Somehow life was better when times were simpler. Would you think I was weird if I told you that I would rather eat broccoli than ice cream ;p Seriously it's so good roasted with lemon tahini.

  8. so many nice memories!
    have a great weekend,

  9. So true! I hate that kids now don't have the simple joys we did.

  10. Life is way too complicated now - the innocence and joy of childhood sound appealing, but in many ways I would not want to return there, as mine was not idyllic in some ways.

  11. I love this post. It brought back so many childhood memories. We should all try to find joy in the little things again.

  12. This was so special to read, Regine. Your words are wonderful, and really spoke to me. I can't seem to wrap my head around the simple price of a candy bar now. And the meat at the marketplace! Going back to simple times, playing with play dough, and drinking's nice of you to return to childhood once in awhile. And I still love a Big Mac from time to time. ; )

