Saturday, June 8, 2024


 The mountain as the backdrop never gets old. The freedom to free fall into natural bliss is the best gift. Taking a hike to the waterfall is an endless rush of anticipation. The sights and sounds that accompanies me is the best massage for a weakened state seeking repairs. Thinking of this scene is enough to let me sleep peacefully, and drift off into dreamland. 

As I awaken to a breakfast of grits, bacon and eggs and pastries, I’m reminded to be grateful for every sweet or savory bite. I don’t what to eat first. I just pile on the plate. Getting a cup of coffee, water and orange juice, I take seat on the deck inhaling the fresh air scent that is infused with a hint of Fraser firs. 

Taking a bite out the pop tart, Nutella lavishes my tongue with gooey hazelnut. I find a banana nearby to mix the flavors. I let out a pleasurable moan. I’m in food ecstasy. Breakfast is a feast for the senses. One I fully intend to enjoy. 

The next decision is what to do today. 


  1. Reminds me of our summers in Angel Fire, New Mexico. Cool air and good coffee on the deck. Thanks.

  2. The mountains are our favorite place to be. Enjoy!

  3. I love the mountains.
    Glad you are enjoying your morning!

  4. Oh, mountains are epic! Sounds like a great weekend you are having.

  5. I love your words and post about mountains today. I am in awe of mountains!

  6. That sure sounds cool and refreshing!! Enjoy!!

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  9. Sounds like an amazing way to wake and start the day

  10. Your breakfast sounds really good. It's my favorite meal, so I like to enjoy it with a cup of coffee as well. The mountain view sounds amazing, and the waterfalls always have a calming effect.

