Sunday, June 9, 2024

Small town America

 Back from a little time away to recharge the batteries. I don’t do it enough. I’m grateful for any time in a new place to help me appreciate how much home means to me. Home. It’s the place where I’m in no rush. No need to schedule. No need to alter who I am. I didn’t know what a privilege that was. I now know. My soul rejoices. This trip, I let the quiet mountain town transport me to a simpler time. Where the cell phone had no signal and wi-fi was spotty. It forced me to catalog my surroundings with absolute focus and attention to detail. It meant getting caught in a rainstorm, and watching kids play in the rain. It was marveling at the rain covering the mountain in what looked like a cloudy fog. It was eating a juicy burger, and not worrying about making a mess. In this life we want the neat and pretty. 

Life is never neat and pretty. If it is for you, I need some tips. Sign me up for the course. I’m learning I can be content in my own company. I always desired the company of others to satiate my desire for community, but when it’s not available, I can thrive. I’m finding whatever state I’m in provides the setting for a story. A story I get the chance to tell. I’m always learning even when it’s not what I seek. It’s amazing that one hour from home is a place that almost feels like home. My soul relaxes. My mind rests. My body finds regulation. I don’t know whether to share this place. Be selfish. Or share this earthly paradise that brings true peace without knowing it. 

Then I think maybe I need to share the place that brings me such joy. The place when you sit on Main Street, buy an ice cream and watch the traffic go by. Small town America at it’s finest. 

Should I name the town?


  1. A good question can keep it fiction!

  2. It is so good to be good n your own company. It's the one person who will always be at hand, good days and bad. You're right about life never being neat and pretty, but even when it's rugged we can always make it a little prettier, a little brighter, if we can just get out of our heads enough to allow that to happen. It sure sounds like you found the spot and I hope you will share it with us. (Not that we'll all descend on it but it would be wonderful to know where this little haven is!)

  3. Sounds lovely!
    Happy Sunday :)


  4. I love small towns. It sounds like you found a great place to rest.

  5. People pay big bucks for vacations where the wifi is intentionally cut off. What a world! 😂 Glad you got away, and presumably had no wifi because you were way out.

  6. I'm never happier than when I'm at home. Even on vacation, no matter how enjoyable, I'm always ready to return home.

  7. It's good to be able to settle in, whether at home or away.

    Yes! Name the town 😊

  8. It is always fun to see new places but I am with you there is nothing like being at home, having your own routine and doing things are your own pace. I have moved all around the world and I do like the small town atmosphere!

  9. There was a place I used to go to think and be alone. it had a high vista of the country to its north and was quiet. It was place that took 2 hours to reach and a 20 minute walk up a steep trail to reach. The new land owners took over and posted no trespassing signs. Now I long for a place like it but have not been unable to find one. Still, I cherish the times I got to spend there.

    Hugs and Blessings

  10. Great to read, Stay well. Greetings

  11. I come from a tiny town and love it but happy to be in our home after traveling. Thanks for the reminders.

  12. I think this town was meant just for you to enjoy it for the day. It sound wonderful. The rainstorm, the view of the mountain, the juicy burger, main street. I love it all. What a wonderful place this sounds, and we need places like this, and we do need to go off by ourselves to collect our thoughts. I found a new lake, and I'm delightful about that.

    Your visual with your creative words spoke to me this morning, dear friend. : )

  13. I love these places! Like Mayberry or even a little un-named getaway. Glad you had a relaxing time and we able to recharge. God bless you.
