Sunday, June 30, 2024


 I was listening to a sermon talking about when God was at His best. And this sermon is on repeat in my head. I need it imprinted on my heart. The greatest thing this pastor’s words did for me was give me initiative. Initiative to think about when I was at my best. 

Was I at my best when I took my first step?  Was I at my best when I fell down, and got back up, and tried it again?  Was I at my best when I climbed the mountain or swam in the sea in rough waters?  Was I at my best when I welcomed obstacles?  If you’re on the outside, the answer may be yes. Honestly, I may say yes, even if I know that’s not the answer. 

Was I at my best when I learned to harness my power?  When I learned at accept love?  I don’t know if that’s the correct answer. I don’t know the answer. It’s a question that will drive me. It’s a question that I want to explore. It scares me to answer it, but I look forward to the journey. Maybe the best of me is yet to be uncovered. My best isn’t what I done or who’ve met, but in what is to come. 

The best in me is to come because of who God is, and what He needs me to see. So He can give me what He desires for me. 


  1. I now, sit back and wait, He will decide when and how, whether I like the decision He has made for me or not. I have to say the last many years I haven't liked his decisions. My time will come, when He thinks I need some goodness, or have deserved it. Perhaps it's my age, telling me to give in to Him? :)

  2. Deep thoughts here. I think we are never specifically at our best, but sometimes our "best" is how we react situationally. I do know there have been many times in my life when I have not been at my best when things are not going as I had wished. I suppose I am just hoping each day to possibly be at my "better" than I was previously.

  3. I have a cup at home, and it's from Anthropologie. It's polka dot inside and the front of it says "do your best." That's all we can do. And if we do our best, that's a lot. And God is always at His best.....He is perfect.

    Have a pleasant Sunday, my lovely friend. : )


  4. All we can do is try our best and hope it's good enough
    Carol x

  5. Our best can happen only in God's timing and in His will. Great reflection!

  6. What a wonderful day for reflection. This is beautiful!


  7. Hmm, that is quite a challenge Regine, and at times we need to just sit and listen for the Lord's reply - and so often His reply is unexpected!! May you find His answer for you - either now and/or in the future

  8. I'm not sure I'm "at my best" very often, but I think what's important is that I don't stop trying to be better, and that I allow God's grace to make up the difference. Happy Monday!

  9. I think that nobody is always at his/her best, but if you try to do and be your best anyway, something good will eventually come!
    Or, at least, this is my opinion.... :)
