Thursday, June 27, 2024


 A few of you have asked how the project is going. It’s going is all I can say. It’s harder than I can say. I feel the pressure to make it great. It’s a new genre for me. That is scary. So every day I write scared. Maybe if I keep doing it, it will become less scary. Right now I’m straddling two different themes in my writing, and it’s forcing me to stretch. So right now, this is writing looks like. Writing, then deleting. Repeat. Fighting my need for perfection. Fighting my own self-doubt. My writing journey resembles real life a little too succinctly. 

Writing is the one thing that can bring me joy, and yet have me let out ear-curdling screams. Again, this is mirroring my life right now. If you’re told life is now become easy and unicorn and rainbows, I need to visit you stat. My job title should read:  Regine:  the woman who complicated life while trying to simplify. I pull no punches. I’ve heard I need to give myself grace. It’s true, but so hard to do. I need a manual. A handbook on how to give myself what I so freely give to others. The Bible comes to mind. It always does. It seems like I have a hard time following instructions. 

God needs to spell it out like a child for me because if anyone can complicate God. Here I sit. And I’m writing this to you all. Because you’re my emotional support people. Giving tough love while being kind. So here is an update. I’m staring at a blank page praying something will stick. 


  1. I trust inspiration will meet you where you are. Soon, very soon.

  2. Relax and take it easy, you cannot force the creative process!
    Try to stick to things that inspire you and believe the flow!

  3. hi

  4. Keep plugging away at it and hopefully it will become easier the more you try. It's always scary to step outside our comfort zones.

  5. Take it at your own pace! I get the whole making things hard while trying to simplify though!

  6. Sending you encouragement and looking forward to seeing your creativity unfold.

    Have a great weekend, R!

  7. Dearest Regine, you sound like me when making a card... we are so often our harshest critics!!
    Giving grace to ourselves is hard, I agree, but not impossible.

  8. Praying that you give yourself grace more and more everyday. We all need a handbook for it!
