Friday, June 21, 2024

Capri summering

 Right now, I’m dreaming of a vacation my body is not able to take. Take me to Capri or St.Paul de Vence. Take me away to the sea. The craggy cliffs. The azure waters. The dolce vita. The joie de vivre. The raison d’etre. Take me to the place my body unfurls like Garfield after a peaceful snooze. Let my muscles move to Mariah or Pitbull. Let my soul be revived by simple living in extraordinary places. 

Right now though I’d settle for the latest issue of Tatler, that I couldn’t find in Barnes and Noble. Living vicariously through others is my summer mission. Travel, see the world. We don’t appreciate it well anymore. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Love anything worth being loved. 

Right now I’m grateful to be pain free. I’m just having to be patient. And that is something I struggle with daily. Humor me friends. Have a good day, and be joyful. 


  1. That's a beautiful dream. I'm glad you're pain free today. Keep dreaming! :D

  2. When we are grateful for all our blessings, our lives are rich beyond measure!

  3. I'm glad to hear you're out of pain, just a little while more for your movements. Take care. Big hugs. x

  4. So glad you are out of pain. Have a wonderful day.

  5. I'm dreaming of a summer vacation too right now. Not that I am going any place either Not for awhile at least. I hope you have some great inspiration. Happy summer- and happy weekend to you. hugs-Erika

  6. That sounds like a lovely vacation! I'm happy you are pain free. Patience is certainly not easy.

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog.
    You sound like a very upbeat person who is going through a lot.
    I don't do well with pain. Am a very big wimp.
    I'm happy you are pain free.

  8. Pain free is super. I've really enjoyed these last few posts about traveling in spirit. Great ideas. Hugs.

  9. Great to hear you are pain free - and dreaming of summer vacations. It's mid-winter here and the days have a bitter edge to them, even when fine..

  10. I am so glad that you are free of pain right now. I don't like to see people suffer.

    Have a sweet day.

