Saturday, June 29, 2024

Use it


I’m uncomfortable. You know why. I’m pushing past the fear. The insecurity that has plagued me. Something my sister said to me made me mad, but it was the truth. I’ve let my attitude towards Cerebral Palsy govern my life, but You given me a talent many want, but don’t have. So while I do suffer with doubt that I can do it, deep down I know it’s a lie. I’m more than able to do this. I just won’t have instant success or gratification.   Learning to deal with that is where I’m at in the moment. I have to trust and use the gift.  Water it. Like you water me. 

Water me Lord

My life

Your Will

Your Way

Finally surrendering

My need

To know

The if and when

And trust

In the Name

That reigns



  1. Good prayer for all. We may not have CP but we all have something!

  2. We all have uncomfortable times, perhaps they are sent to try us. It will be all be as it should be soon. Hugs. x

  3. En algún momento todos lo pasamos mal. ¡Ánimo!.

  4. May God grant peace when and where it is needed, and assurance that he is by your side giving you all you need to get by and live a good life!

  5. God loves you and is with you always. Hang in there!

  6. Muy cierto debemos confiar en nosotros mismo y en Dios. Te mando un beso.

  7. Such a beautiful prayer, and I am sure it will give you the strength you need.

  8. I like your words.....Water me Lord. : ) We all need to be watered to lift our spirits from time to time.

