Friday, July 5, 2024


 Some thoughts

Need some rain. Heat index to 107 degrees. Lord, make it happen. 

Online shopping is my jam right now. 

Sitting Indian style while I work is a new joy. 

The dirt underneath my feet makes me happy

As you get older, you will change. Your hopes, your dreams. Maybe expectations. 

Everyday I read for pleasure. Pick up a book, put down the internet 

Looking out the window

My soul smiles

My body dances

My world is rosy

Because following

The heart

Has been

The medicine

For the ailment

Plaguing me

I’m eccentric

I admit it

Give me Yo-Yo Ma

Over the latest beats

Give me my sister’s cooking

Over fast food

Give me long dresses

To being scantily clad

Give me a nice wine

Or Perrier

Over pop

And my mouth

Waters in anticipation

Love your now

Appreciate it

Grateful is 

The best perfume

While I await

The dreams

Of the deepest realms

To sit

Until ready

To show

Its face


  1. Happy Friday! :D I'm hoping and praying for some rain, too.

  2. Beautiful thoughts, I could never sit Indian style...I also love my sister's cooking! May there be showers of blessing today! Love you girl,

  3. Oh that is hot! We're in the 80's but with 99-100% humidity it feels much hotter.. despite raining yesterday and today. We actually don't eat fast food and haven't in years and years and I don't miss it at all (I don't even understand the appeal). I'll take a home cooked meal any day!

  4. It's even hotter than that here, but I don't mind the heat. I have easy access to A/C, after all. We could use some rain. I enjoy bare feet 👍 in the now.

  5. Wonderful thoughts beautifully expressed, Regine

  6. You have so many grateful thoughts here, Regine. So nice reading them this Sunday morning. : )

