Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 What is making you happy today?

What healthy snacks or meals are you making?

What are you reading?

Any purchases that brought joy?

Whose blog do you always visit?


  1. I am happy I feel so much better (Covid is not fun)

    Healthy? No. I can taste, now I want something chocolate

    The Night Parade

    An electric kettle is making me happy

    Why, your blog.of course!

  2. What is making you happy today? -- I got my test results back. They aren't good but at least now I can start a medication protocol and THAT makes me happy.
    What healthy snacks or meals are you making? String cheese and fresh fruit.
    What are you reading? "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamont
    Any purchases that brought joy? Not lately!
    Whose blog do you always visit? Yours and many others!

  3. Thanks for popping by, darling :)


  4. Today I am happy that my son is recovering well from his oral surgery yesterday. I've been making him fruit smoothies (and milkshakes!). I'm currently reading The Beach House: Coming Home by Georgia Bockoven. The only thing I've bought recently is groceries. I always read, memphisbridges, the other side of the road and quite a few others come to think of it. I'd say there are at least a couple dozen I check in on daily or at least weekly.

  5. Today I'm happy that our egress window is going in, even though it rained last night and is still kind of misty.
    My hubby grilled teriyaki chicken breasts last night and I'm putting a few in the freezer to go on salads. Yum and healthy!
    I'm reading Colors of the Dark by Chris Whittaker - it was a book Jenna Bush Hager recommended in her book club and so far is really good.
    I have quite a few blogs I check, have them in my Feedly app so I know when something new goes up. One is yours!

  6. What is making you happy today? Hubby and our kitties.

    What healthy snacks or meals are you making? All of them. We eat very healthy.

    What are you reading? Can't remember the name of the book.

    Any purchases that brought joy? My Range Rover SUV.

    Whose blog do you always visit? Yours.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Regine. ♥

  7. I'm happy I got a little bit more of sleep. My hip was hurting so I didn't sleep that well. I'm bad at making healthy anything and my weight shows it. I'm reading for the first time The Wind and the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I just bought a book called A Woman from God's Perspective by Anna Mary Hyper that I can't wait to read.

  8. I'm happy to see the wrens on the patio. I'm having prunes as lunch dessert. I'm reading a journal about film and the Bible. I haven't bought anything except groceries. There are a lot of blogs I always visit, including yours 👍

  9. A walk with my husband in the rain :-) and I don't snack.

  10. Knowing that my husband was sweet enough to start dinner and that it's bubbling away in the slow cooker and will be ready when I get home is making me happy.

    My healthy snack today is watermelon. Yum!

    I'm currently reading Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell.

  11. Too many things today have made me happy to list them. I do try to visit your blog each time you have a new post. Blessings!

  12. Watching reruns of Law & Order SVU.

  13. I'm listening to The Burning by Linda Castillo and enjoying it! Just finished Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder and loved it! Trying to stay cool as I get ready for a trip to Southern California. :)

  14. Sunny weather with a breeze
    Ice Cream - it has calcium - so healthy. :)
    Corridors of the Night by Anne Perry
    Shampoo and conditioner
    Too many to mention

  15. I am happy we are getting more steady rains these days, and everything is nice and green and Still Waters Pond is getting refreshed. Hubby and I are still recovering from our bout with Covid. We thought we were all better, but I woke up with a sore throat today and ended up going to the Dr. He says the virus is breaking up and my body is fighting the pieces of the virus as they slough off. Never thought of that before. He gave me some steroids to take for three days to help give me a boost to get over this hump. So I am thankful for being able to see him right away today and I am hopeful that this will help me feel better. I'm not reading much these days as the covid made me not able to concentrate on reading. We watched a lot of movies instead, which was kind of fun for a change. We are thankful to be getting well day by day. Thankful for you as well!!!

  16. I'm happy about coming home tonight and having spent a wonderful trip with my daughter in India. Reading The Bandit Queens, haven't cooked in over a week, bought a few things to bring home. Yours of course!

  17. I'm happy Beryl missed us but we need some rain. Bought new socks for my hubby. Made gluten free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Reading an old Tony Hillerman book not sure which one. Ha. I visit your blog and a couple of artist friends for sure but have NetNews and have about 200 on there to browse.

  18. Having the sun shine made me happy today.
    I try to 'eat healthy' all the time - a salad at lunch, poached eggs on toast for dinner, followed by a piece of fresh fruit
    I have just finished reading 'More Than happy' by Serena Miller and Paul Stutzman
    I bought some cyclamen plants yesterday
    I visit most blogs on my reading list as they pop up... especially yours, Regine

  19. Happiness for me today was a lovely long countryside walk in the sunshine, with my friends and dogs 🥰🐕🐩
