Monday, July 22, 2024


 It’s foggy and drizzling. A perfect reprieve from the heat. Learning about oneself is a brutal task, but necessary. 

I’m learning that I love seeking out the birds. I love to see creation soar. Maybe I could learn some lessons from the smallest birds who know that the birdfeeder is always full. They know God will provide through my faithfulness. 

I love to see the fish swim around in the pond wild and free. Maybe I could swim wild and free not worrying about the next task that needs to be completed. 

I’m learning that the dog wants constant love and affection. It has to be touching me. Maybe I need to be reminded that God will provide that for me if I ask. 

What are you learning?


  1. I like to watch birds too. Seeing God in nature is amazing.

  2. Happy Monday! (I love birdwatching, too.)

  3. I've always loved hearing bird song in the morning. Such wonders of God's creation, aren't they?

  4. I am trying to be more patient.

  5. Birds are amazing :-D

    I am learning that I need to address my relationship with food. I need to lose a lot of weight and my food relationship is not good.

  6. I love to learn I did just learn spiders can have 8 eyes.

  7. This is beautiful Regine. Nature is always so healing when we let it in and appreciate it, the moment...we feel that...

  8. I am learning that a couple of meds I am on, do not play nicely together - I thank God he is in control!!

  9. You are learning so many valuable things through nature. Yes, it seems that the birds teach me a thing or two on a daily basis. : )

