Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday story

 Got a scare this morning. All due to a cricket. I can laugh now. Not much then. I wake up and walk to the kitchen ready to get some joe going, check on last night’s laundry and take out something to thaw for dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary. It must be said I thrive on routine. I’m walking around in my own world for a moment. It takes me a moment for me to fully coherent in the mornings. 

As I’m meandering around, I start to hear a sound. A might loud one. I think I must be hearing things or delusional. A few minutes later, the sound is back. I try to disregard it. It goes away. I go off to start the coffee, and hear we go again. I abandon the thought of coffee making. I go around the kitchen in a tizzy. I’m seeking that noise like a honing beacon. I walk in to the laundry room. The washer isn’t on. I check the pantry for a pesky rodent. Thankfully I don’t find one. I check the fridge out of sheer frustration. Maybe rotten cheese is playing tricks on me. 

I go to sweep up the house. Farm living means once a week vacuuming doesn’t do the trick. As I’m sweeping the noise is my neighbor. I just give up. I’m on edge. No tea kettle is whistling. And I’m in the process of wondering what is taunting me. My mom then decides to come in the house. I relay this morning’s adventures. I ask her if she knows the origin of this noise. 

Without hesitation she says:  “my crickets”.  Your crickets, I say. She shows me what she has them in, and now I don’t know what to feel. Relief that I’m not going insane. Crazy that a cricket can drive me wild. Mom says I couldn’t let my crickets get hot. Pet parent of the year. Now I laugh. Farm life keeps you grounded while making you laugh. 

Enjoy your Sunday, and find the little miracles


  1. Crickets as pets... that's a new one on me. At least you know you weren't hearing things! :)

  2. She has pet crickets? That's hilarious! I like hearing them outside my window at night in the summer...but not in my house. ;D

  3. Crickets! AH! I would've felt exactly the same as you, looking around for that noise.

  4. It would have done my head in looking for that noise. Glad the mystery was solved.

  5. Oh, it would have given me a jump!

  6. When I was a child, they used to sell little houses for crickets, I confess I once had a cricket as a pet too eheheheh!!!

  7. I've heard that a cricket in your house is good luck. :)

  8. Thanks for this humorous (now) story, Regine. You made me smile!

  9. Yay for little miracles!
    Happy Sunday :)


  10. you solved the mystery..... great!
    Have a great weekend

  11. I needed that little adventure. You made my day in many ways. Have a Great week regine.

    Hugs and Blessings

  12. Buena reflexión. Te mando un beso.

  13. Oh Regine, what a start to your day!! Can't say I have ever heard of keeping crickets as pets... they are a pest here!!
    Hope the rest of your day was better

  14. That's a cute story. They can be really loud and annoying if you can't find them and they are loose in the house. I'm glad they are being taken care of. :)

  15. Oh my gosh, good story, my friend. I loved hearing it. Crickets can be loud, and I was hearing the same thing at Jess' house when I visited, only the sound wasn't coming from outside, the sound was coming from inside. Turns out, that is what Jess' pet Gecko eats for dinner! haha.

    Thanks for the smile. : )

