Monday, July 8, 2024



Sometimes it’s so hard. To be happy for others. To cheer them on. It feels like years of waiting. Help me find joy in the waiting. Help me be happy for others. I don’t know what to ask anymore. I know that as much as I can hope life were different. It isn’t. Help me accept my reality. Help me be joyful. Because I’m not. It’s exhausting. Letting you see this. Letting you see there is nothing perfect in me. There is nothing easy. Not everything shimmers in gold every day. Letting it all out before it eats at me. If this is too depressing, skip this post. Some days are just rougher than others. Some days I try to put a smile on my face. It’s a choice made even if it is not felt. 

So Lord, remove the bitterness from my soul. I have too many blessings. Remind me that no tear, no disappointment is ever wasted. I only pray that what you have for me is so beyond the wildest dreams I’ve ever had. 

Waiting in

The valley

Is not 

A pleasant place

But if

That is

Where I’m

To remain

Right now

Love me

Well enough

That I 

Lack for 

No thing

Love me

Even if

I find 

It hard

To love


Or myself

Going back

To saying 

I love me

In the bathroom mirror

Repeat after me

I love self


To not settle

For second best



I was to impatient

To trust 

The Creator


  1. I thank you so much for your sweet honesty. I hope you have a wonderful July. All the best to your creativity! Many blessings❤️🌈🍏

  2. Some days are rougher! Especially when dreams and prayers haven't been answered the way you hoped. Hang in there. And know you are not alone.

  3. Sending prayers and hugs. ♥

  4. I was moved by what you wrote. Try to remember that He knows you better than you know yourself. It is difficult, but keep striving to truly align your will with His.
    "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." 1John 5:14-15
    May God bless and keep you in His care always.

  5. This seemed written just for me today, even though I'm not religious.
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog at the end of last month! I've been grieving a loss and am just getting back to blog visiting today.

  6. (((hugs))) and love to you dear friend. It's okay to be honest with yourself and others. Not one of us is always cheerful and thankful as much as we feel like we ought to be. We all have good days and bad days, and thankfully God understands that and loves us unconditionally. So thankful for such a loving and compassionate heavenly Father.

  7. May you find the strength to always remember how strong and loved you are friend <3

  8. This is so thoughtful and honest. I love that you just put it out there.

  9. it must have been very difficult to write these words. to be let all of us know you are climbing a mountain. i am not going to give you any advice, all that you need is within you!!

  10. Saying a prayer for you.

    All the best Jan

  11. Thanks for this. Thinking of you.

  12. Your words crying out to the Lord are very moving. I need to do this as well. Praying for you my friend.

  13. Dear sweet girl, the LORD knows our heart and we see in the Psalms the struggles that we and others face and the raw honesty of the writers as they cry out to the LORD. As His beloved we can be honest with our feelings always!

  14. I'm sorry you were having such a difficult time when you wrote this. I hope you are feeling better today. May God wrap around you like a blanket of comfort and love during this time of struggle.


  15. I have been there for sure here in the past year, I have had some major health problems and I look at others my age that are able to do more than I can and it tends to bum me out but then I hear of someone that has it much worse than myself and think I should concentrate on what I can do not what I can't. I read that it is all a mindset, that you have to start off the day with a positive attitude or it will go down from there, and I realized that was true, it is hard and some days I do better than others, it is a constant work in progress. Hang in there, God will give you strength

  16. Thanks for writing and sharing what you are going through in life. Life can be disappointing at times but we need to remember that looking for a few good things in your day will help us feel better and blessed.
    "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true." 2 Timothy 3:16. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Becky.
