Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 As I pick the tomatoes off the vine. I swirl them in my hand. I feel its texture. It’s firmness. I examine its bright hue. I look for the sights around me. I listen for the bees. I smell for the flowers. I look for the hose to keep them watered. I seek the things that keep me fed. The grass grounds me to the earth. In your domain what am I?

I’m the apple of your eye

The gelato to the cone

Baseball to the American psyche

The truth is never pleasant

But it frees you

From your own prison

The enslavement

You created

Trying to be

The embodiment 

Of perfection

That is an illusion

Because its not 

An attainable reality

Love yourself and one another


  1. Interesting thoughts, it is important to love yourself and others. Regards!

  2. Striving for perfection is always an exercise in futility, isn't it?

  3. I especially enjoyed the words in your first paragraph.

    All the best Jan

  4. Once again your words come to life here! Love the last sentence too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ah, the illusion of perfection - that really is it in a nutshell, but so many, especially our youth, are misled by it :(
    Fabulous observations and verse Regine - you have blessed me with them

  7. Oh, you had me at tomato. I really could taste it. Thanks for letting us see through your eyes!

  8. Some day I'll spend as long as it takes to read everything you've ever written here. Your words are amazing.

  9. There's nothing like home grown tomatoes. I didn't know you have a garden of them. My dad used to bring in tomatoes from his garden, and I used to water every now and then. : )
