Monday, July 15, 2024


 I had a different post I was going to write. The Lord put on my favorite song, and said no ma’am. I’m taken back to a sermon yesterday taking about being fruitful in the place of your suffering. This one statement has thrown me for a loop. I don’t know what it looks like to be fruitful right now. What I’m realizing is that every ninety days I get a reprieve from my suffering. It lasts for sixty. The next thirty, suffering and I are reacquainted. So right now, I’m on the every day is a gift. I don’t like suffering, but I’m intimately aware of its presence. 

Right now, I’m in a holding pattern where I don’t know what comes next. Life is a mystery. I get to unwrap it each day. Each day I wake without pain is hitting the lottery even when I look at my checkbook, and there aren’t many zeroes. I’m honestly convinced my current state is because God wants my undivided attention. I don’t need things. I need Him. I don’t need the world to tell me a sale will complete me. 

So right now. Pain free means taking meds, stretch and get on my bike. Sweat and let the world fall away. Your health dictates for you that social media is not your friend. All you find is a fantasy not based in reality. Take a walk later, and say hi to my creatures. Marvel in creation. Go back to basics. I love you. 

Love yourself and one another



  1. Wishing you a happy Monday! :D And going back to basics is such a good reminder.

  2. You have the best attitude, my friend. Have a blessed week!

  3. You're doing it right. Turn off the social media and go outside and enjoy nature. Brilliant.

    Have a blessed day and week, Regine. ♥

  4. I think all our lives are holding patterns. You get the bad stuff, the good stuff. Hold through the bad, celebrate the good. We hang in. And that can be a pretty wonderful thing, so long as we remember it.

  5. I will surely lift you up to our Lord sweet one. Yes, suffering comes in many forms for us. I have found in my life and over the many years of walking with Christ that when I need Him most is when I hear Him the the loudest. Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy

  6. Love you my friend, sending you so many prayers and I hope you have many more good health days than bad ones. That really is something to ponder about being fruitful in your suffering, that's very deep and sadly, not something I'm very good at sometimes. It's difficult to navigate, but I do believe God has so much goodness out there for us or even for us to help others even when we are experiencing pain or loss, or whatever it may be at the time.

    Thanks so much for sharing what was on your heart, my friend!

    Make Life Marvelous

  7. Stopping by as I'm' on the internet for a bit today. I hope these pain free days continue and you are right about social media and also shopping for needless things.

  8. Here's to you! May you see where God is heading you.

  9. I always appreciate your honesty and attitude!

  10. Sometimes going back to the basics is a wise thing to do. I hope you are not in pain for the remainder of the month. But I did love your sweet words today.


  11. I sometimes also wonder about the 'how' of being fruitful, but I figure that if I am obedient, God will produce the fruit, whether it is in prayer or praise, actions or rest...

  12. Praying that you are having a good day, (and that you are pain free...) God bless

  13. I am reading Thirsty by Hannah C Hall right now, and week five's verse is John 15:5, and it's been talking about how we bear fruit by abiding in Christ. Today the focus is on how we can do NOTHING apart from Christ. We must build our foundation on Christ, we bear fruit through Christ, and we can do nothing without Him.
