Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Terra firma

 I had the first cantaloupe of the season. It was a small one. One I could play catch with. I had to rub it. Feel between the grooves. I lifted it up to my nose and smelled. I couldn’t smell anything. That didn’t stop my joy. I walked to the patch, and my happiness didn’t dim. I felt ease in my soul. Day two of no social media at all has been interesting. I’m immersing myself in letting the land speak to me. Speak it will. 

I’m enjoying just feeling free from consumerism and comparison. The more I was on social media, the more I wanted things. I wanted what others had. Right now, I’m taking Hemingway’s cue with my computer and its keys. It’s just us. Nothing else. I don’t know if I will miss the friends I’ve made through Instagram, or if I will return. 

I’m returning to my roots. The land is feeding my mind, body and soul right now. Walking to the line in Old Navy flip flops to hang out clothes. Letting the sun be my clothes dryer. Letting the wet grass sink into my toe beds. Smelling the freshly cut grass. Let’s call it eau du jardín.  I’m taking out the old hula-hoop and taking it for a spin. Never got the hang of it. I still like to twirl it on my arms pretending to be a circus performer. A little chameleon in my own mind. 

Letting childhood pleasures take hold. When I started taking life too seriously. Forget how to laugh. My face took on a permanent scowl. I’m not saying I won’t have days where I may feel like I’m missing something, but sometimes God does for us, what we are unable to do for ourselves. My own search for joy in what is already mine not in what is sought. 


  1. It is good to walk away from all of that noise for awhile and hear and see things you didn't notice before when life was filled with all that!

  2. Life sometimes causes heartache and you have to make time for yourself to stay sane. Take care and keep smiling x

  3. Good for you for taking a break from social media and finding joy in the simple things around you. There's so much joy in just being in the world. :D

  4. It sounds like you're in good place my friend and I hope it lasts. I'm all for regular social media breaks.

  5. Good! Taking time away and just enjoying being you is rejuvenating. There are times when I wish I could visit the places I frequented to put the world behind me and just do nothing. Just about all of those places no longer exist. My garden, the night sky and long walks are what are left.

    Hugs and Blessings

  6. I agree with the others, just be yourself and take plenty of social media breaks, it's good for the body, mind and soul.

  7. Dearest Regine,
    Always best to be yourself and never feel tempted to follow the masses. It is like a lemming track...
    Instagram is not for me either. Very little social media and my blog is not about tidbits to share with the world. Some people on FB or whatever platform are only screaming for attention—me—me and nothing else.
    Sorry, it is better indeed to walk in Faith and for abstaining from histrionics.
    Big hugs,

  8. I had a "forced" social media break for the last month while we were camping because although my phone sometimes worked, a lot of the time it didn't. I must admit that it was nice to have the time reading God's word and talking with Him and my husband without the phone dinging it's intrusive bell.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Be yourself. Everyone else's character has been taken by someone else.

    God bless.

  10. I left social media about 5 years ago. I tried to go back about a year ago and liked it even less. Ads have taken over.

  11. Social media can be toxic. We need to remind ourselves to live in the present.

  12. Being outdoors is good and I enjoy watering plants even though I have other things to do. I am grateful that Megan is able to help me more lately. I have been reading a book that's really good about how my mind is set with God and good scriptures to read that's in that book. I started writing some of them on my journal. I need to remember to read it and the older journals that I have. I have perused through a few of them lately due to going through items to get rid of from our house. Those will not go away from me to other people. I enjoyed what you wrote. I am not always on FB although there are a few groups I am connected with. God bless!!!
