Friday, July 19, 2024


 What is your win for the week?

What is making you smile?

Best recipe you made?

Book you read?

Thing you bought?


  1. This week's win for me? Knowing great people like you through blogging!

  2. Just finished reading an Ellery Queen classic mystery, no run recipes this week, but I did buy a fun Take A Hike tee shirt that totally made me smile. :D

  3. What is your win for the week? Facing somone I didn't want to, but I brought them fruit.

    What is making you smile? Nicky Li in SNOW MOON. She is hilarious.

    Best recipe you made? Learning to stir BimBap properly!

    Book you read? When He was Wicked by Julia Quinn

    Thing you bought? Cherries

  4. Not many wins this week or smiles either. Not in the mood for cooking. I bought groceries and ant killer. Reading The Magnificent lives of Marjorie Post...that is the highlight of my week.

  5. What is your win for the week? My old sofa getting uplifted - long story behind it!

    What is making you smile? Nature

    Best recipe you made? Mmmm only really made miso soup lately with mushrooms

    Book you read? Nothing as yet

    Thing you bought? More nail polish. In fairness not bought many in a long time haha!

  6. We got 95% of Alec's dorm supplies bought this week and I read a ton of posts on how to best pack/organize it all. Our weather has been making me smile. I'm hoping the best recipe I made is tonight's dinner; I have a couple bins of chicken and veggie kabobs soaking in a homemade teriyaki marinade all ready for the grill. I'm currently reading The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady.

  7. Feeling better after almost 3 weeks of fatigue following Covid. That is a real big win! Hope you are feeling well and having a good week too!

  8. What made me smile this week? That today is Friday, haha!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. *my son's car is fixed and runs nicely now.
    *changed a few things on my blog this weekend. Not a techy person, but managed somehow. ; )
    *delicious tacos (deep frying the tortillas is the best).
    *no books read lately.
    *couple summer shirts

    Have a blessed weekend.


  10. My win for the week: finishing a large project at work *whew!*
    Thing I bought: I am excited to try out my new countertop ice maker. Necessary? Absolutely not. But it's making me happy. :)

  11. Weekend makes me smile. For my win is finally able to work on my blog as I have been very busy with my job and baby for the last few weeks. Wonderful Post! Have a great day!

  12. I made a bracelet for myself. :)
    Pasta with smoked salmon and vegetables.
    I will buy a blouse on Monday, does it count? ;)

  13. I bought my cats a new cat tree during the Prime sale - it's pink! Cannot wait for it to get here!

